~The Adventure Special There's another magazine out from the home of Cheet Sheets Monthly. We've now released a Special edition overflowing with useful and entertaining information on different game genres. The first to hit the streets is The Cheet Sheets Adventure Special which studies the world of (surprise, surprise) graphic adventures. It all comes wrapped up in that usual Cheet Sheets interface that we've all come to know and love, so its embarrasingly easy to use. First up we've got a whole host of articles covering the whole world of graphic adventures. They range from how the genre came about to how to solve them. There's even a special article written by Cheet Sheets resident nutcase Dr Marty Make-Wright. Reviews of all the major and most of the minor PC adventures are included to give you a totally unbiased view of the games worth buying and the games best off left in the software store. With around 60 reviews its easy to get the whole picture. Adventure game cheats aren't all that common but we've got 30 here. From how to get passed the age checks in Leisure Suit Larry to what to do to instantly beat the bikers in Full Throttle. If solving the puzzles is too much trouble then why not hack the game instead? But the biggest feature of all is the huge hints section which has solves for over 130 games. The most comprehensive collection of solutions available anyway for graphic adventures is here, ideal to help solve tricky illogical puzzles and let you get on with playing the rest of the game. So if you're in to graphic adventures you really can't afford to be without The Cheet Sheets Adventure Special. Its crammed full with all the adventure game help you could need and is a good read to boot. Get hold of it now - its available directly from Wayne Roberts in exactly the same way the monthly mag is distributed.